Opera Lyrica Act One


Scene Two: "Greeting Prelude" in D major Op.4


Here in the old capital of this nation
Being prosperous during more than a millennium
The tradititonal culture was in full blossom

The hero was borne in this capital and grown up
As a lyric poet of the traditional verses
Having the long history of more than 1000 years

His poem was beautiful in the form of tradition
Being so young he had won the first place
Having no darkness and in merry mind to sing


Borne here in the old capital of this nation
In my childhood the rivers and mountains were beautiful
Where we had run about all day long until sunset

In spring cherry blossoms were in full bloom
Anywhere along the rivers and in the mountains
Birds fly in the sky and rest in the cherry trees

In summer the capital was all in the green colour
So hot in this season but in the shadow of green
Cool wind had come from the north in the evening

In autumn the whole mountains were in gold colour
More beautiful than any other paintings ever drawn
As if we were in the golden cosmos in the universe

In winter the wind from the north was so cold
The snow had fallen over the leaves on the ground
Not much but thin coverage of the landscape of the capital

Nature was alive in harmony with the mankind
We had enjoyed our life so comfortable to live
Here in our capital we had been most happy everday


My poem always sings a song of nature
Birds flying in the blue sky
Flowers are in full bloosoms in the field

The full moon is over the mountains in the east
The wind blows through the fields and towns
And butterflies come around flowers to take honey

My poem always sings a song of nature
With the merry melodies to play lyra
In the pure sprit having no darkness


When I had been the champion of poetry
I had married a princess of the Royal Family
She was beautiful and became mother of a child

My boy named "Kind" had been grown up in peace
He began to learn lyra in the age of four
When any genius people would begin to learn

We were so happy like as in a fairy tale
Being the symbol of happiness of our nation
And we were very proud to rule in prosperity


The age of progress had continued long
During the last century so constantly
Without any disorders in economy and politics

The GNP was always in the top of the world
Our nation had been the leader of progress
Science had also made an unblievable growth

We had nothing to want anymore
No word of defficiency in our dictionary
We had not doubted the eternal prosperity

Long live the King
Long live the Happiness
Long live the Peace

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