Late Mr.Shigeo Takeuchi


when he was 70 years old at Yunoura Spa


Mr.Shigeo Takeuchi had died at 23:23 19 Jan 2000 in Imabari City when he was 83 years old. He was the representative of 1021 people who protested in the court on the problem of "Odagahama" for more than 10 years after the death of Yoshio Ihzuka who was the first representative of the group and both were comrade during more than 50 years long.
In the final judgement of Japan's supreme court he was defeated in 1995 but he had made speach at the supreme court in 1993 on his principle to protect Odagahama though it was seldom seen in the long history of the supreme court of Japan. But he had made a historical turning point for Japanese people and government to shift taking a new policies towards balancing environment and development. Really after his defeat, Ministry of Environment had begun to express making more importance on the
environmental assessment in many development caces like as "Nagara River" or "Yoshino River" etc.
More than 500 people attended in his funeral held in 22nd of January this year. The weather was very fine but so cold. With many friends, even his old "enemies" had come to express formal regret showing his humanistic character being loved by friends and enemies.
He was a farmer when he had begun political activities and also
he was a farmer when he died. He worked so hard for poeple as a congressman of Imabari City or Ehime Prefecture. And he had been the
representative of farmer's union of his native district for 50 years as long as his farther who had once been a congressman of Ehime Prefecture.
The above picture was taken in 1987 when the 17th party of Japanese Nature Prtection Congress held in Imabari City. More than 400 people had visited Odagahama from around the nation and he was the acting chairman of the party.
We express a great sorrow for his death and big thanks for his long term leadership. We wish him for calm days in the Heaven where his old friends might have been waiting for his coming up. And we believe that his great heritage will be sure to be succeeded by the youth of the 21st Century!

Asahi Shimbun Ehime Edition

Shigeo Takeuchi
had gone
who was the former
Odagahama protection

The Paper said:
"He had given great
for nation wide
environmental movements"

Jan 22

Reporting on his death



Late Mr.Shigeo Takeuchi(left) when he had attended the 13th
anniversary of the death of
Yoshio Ihzuka, his comrade

Feb 26



