








                                                        JOHN 3 : 5  



The True Church of Jesus Christ emerged from the East thence spread unto the whole world based on the mission to preach the true salvation of the Gospel “Water and the Spirit” in accordance with the Holy Bible and by organizing and establishing churches whose is the body of Christ in preparation of the Lord’s Second Advent;

By divine inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit a christian church was established in Japan by the name of IESU NO MITAMA KYOKAI ( meaning “The Spirit of Jesus Church”) on Nov. 17 1941 based on the doctrine and teachings appearing later in this Constitution and Rules and its headquarters are now situate at 19-2, 5-Chome, Ogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan and it is there recognized by Japanese law as a religious juridical personage;

By divine blessings of the Holy Spirit and through prayers and sacrifices IESU NO MITAMA KYOKAI (The Spirit of Jesus Church ) has spread throughout Japan and elsewhere in the world and has established branches in many countries in Asia Oceania Europe Africa and Americas;

All the said branches outside Japan operate under the spiritual guidance and leadership of IESU NO MITAMA KYOKAI which is headed by a bishop, the only Bishop for all the branches in Japan and elsewhere in the world;

The members adherents and believers of the Church and its doctrines and teachings fully support the establishment of its representative in order to preach these doctrines and teachings, for the Christian salvation of the world.

It is proposed that the church shall remain linked to bishop in Japan on the spiritual and canonical matters and such other areas as appear in this Constitution and Rules but otherwise the church shall be free foreign influence in all the other matters not so specifically set forth.


The name of the society shall be EHIME IESU NO MITAMA KYOKAI (The Spirit of Jesus Church, Ehime)  ( Hereinafter referred to as “the church”).


The objects which the church is established shall be the following: ---

To advance and promote the christian faith in accordance the doctrines and teachings of the church.

To promote and advance the christian doctrines teachings and practices of the church in Japan.

To seek and accept spiritual guidance and leadership from the Bishop of the Church in Japan as the circumstances in welfare and progress of the church shall from time to time require.

To cooperate with other offspring of the church in Japan such as established elsewhere in the world in Christian work.

To cooperate with christian churches with diverse and differing denominations and doctrines on the advancement of the christian faith.

To cooperate with other non-christian religious groups, and institutions for the promotion of peaceful advancement of religious ideas and ideals.

To instruct and to strengthen church members and their leaders in the faith and knowledge of God and His works and Will.

To preach the word and teachings of Jesus Christ by evangelism seminars conferences or by any other method or medium allowed by the laws of Japan

The objects of the church shall be non-political at all times.

To establish church branches when expedient to do so.


The Church follows the inheritance from the Apostles of the first church --- neither Catholic nor Protestant --- but the christian church which the Lord initially organized established and practiced as foretold in the Holy Bible as due to appear in the last days, the true church restored as it existed in primitive christianity, and has the real perfect and high mysteries which will as the body of Christ be lifted up.

The Church accepts the Old and the New Testaments as the Holy Scriptures, observes the Constitution and Rules of the church, promulgates the true Gospel of Jesus Christ inside and outside the country, anticipating the establishment of the true church of Jesus Christ to revive the Apostolic church, perform acts for worship and hold on the Sabbath Days and specific days.

The Holy Bible is the true God’s word; the true God is Jesus Christ which is the only one and Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Almighty, who manifested as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The belief in the true salvation of the Gospel “Water and the Spirit” in accordance with the Holy Bible and hence human beings must repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah who was crucified for the sins of the world and resurrected after three days.

Water baptism must be done by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; baptism for the dead can be done by the living believer, feet must be washed after water baptism; the Lord’s Supper is served by one unleavened bread must be broken by hands. During the Holy Communion, the bread is the flesh and grape juice is the blood of the Lord Jesus.

The sign of having the Holy Spirit is by speaking with “tongues”. Time worshipping should be done by praying in the Spirit and singing in the Spirit. There are prayers with tongues, spiritual songs, prophets, message with tongues and interpretation in the church.

The Church reserves holy offices for Bishop, Elders, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers and the nine gifts of the Spirit. God bears witness, both with signs wonders and with diverse miracles and gifts of Holy Spirit.


Any person who subscribe to and embrace christianity and the church’s doctrines and teachings shall be eligible to be a member of the church without payment of any fee.

A member shall not be required to pay any or any periodic subscription but members shall be free on their own volition to made any financial or other contribution to the church for the benefit of the work of the church.

A member may be suspended or expelled from the church by the church council for conduct incompatible or unworthy of a member of the church.


The Pastor shall be the Bishop’s representative in Japan and in that

     capacity he shall carry out his duties faithfully and loyally as so directed

     and guided by Bishop.

The Pastor shall be in charge of all the church work and its operation

     including its administration save that he may delegate to one or other

     elders some of the church functions as he shall deem expedient.

The Pastor shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy amongst the

     elders who are members of the church council which is caused by death,

     resignation, suspension, disabling ill-health or absence from attending

     three consecutive meetings of the church council and such casual

     appointments shall for such duration and on such terms as the Pastor shall


The Pastor shall perform any other duties assigned to his office by this

     Constitution and Rules.

                                                                                     HALLELUJAH     AMEN

Co./     ADDRESS :  Ko- 236 Nagasawa  Imabari  Ehime  799-1527  JAPAN

            TEL. 0898-48-3019 

            PASTOR :  Rev. Minoru MAEDA

            E mail : mizu_to_rei @mac.com