assalam alaikum The webmaster answered me while heading toward himself site. Hello, my name is Alaoui apelle I am a youngster Moslem French.I was suprised to know that he/it exists a community of Japan musulman.I inquire and I fall on the site of the Tokyo camii.While looking at the alubum photo I have notice that you taught Islam to the teenager, would he/it be possible to have a correspondent Japanese Moslem old of about 14 years ? sent him a promenade and he/it answers me., because me also I learn the islam in a mosquer in France.I am happy to know that to the tip of the world one exercises the islam and that of the young Moslem brothers as I have the same beliefs.If I made mistakes distress I am not English. Can answer me to you . Thank you for your understanding. Alaoui. Allah bless you, wa ssalam This the traduction in japanese language by google traduction.
繧「繝・し繝ゥ繝シ繝繧「繝ゥ繧、繧ッ繝 遘√・遲斐∴縺溘・繧ヲ繧ァ繝悶・繧ケ繧ソ繝シ縺ォ蜷代°縺」縺ェ縺後i閾ェ蛻・・霄ォ縺ョ繧オ繧、繝医〒縺吶・ 縺薙s縺ォ縺。縺ッ縲∫ァ√・蜷榊燕縺ッ繧、繧ケ繝ゥ繝alaoui apelle遘√・闍・閠・rench.i縺薙→繧堤衍縺」縺ヲ鬩壹>縺溷スシ縺ッ/譌・譛ャ縺ョ繧ウ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」縺悟ュ伜惠縺吶k縺薙→musulman.i繧オ繧、繝医↓縺雁撫縺・粋繧上○縺ォ縺九°縺」縺ヲ縺・k縺ィ遘√・縲∵擲莠ャ驛スalubum蜀咏悄繧定ヲ九※縺・kcamii.while繧、繧ケ繝ゥ繝縺ョ謨吶∴縺ォ豕ィ諢上@縺ヲ繧ゅ・10莉」縺ョ縺ゅ↑縺溘√→蠖シ縺ッ/縺薙→縺後〒縺阪k縺ョ縺ッ縲√う繧ケ繝ゥ繝謨吶・譌ァ譌・譛ャ迚ケ豢セ蜩。縺ョ邏・4蟷エ髢薙〒縺吶°・溷スシ縺ォ騾√i繧後k繝励Ο繝繝翫・繝峨→蠖シ縺ッ/遘√↓蝗樒ュ斐@縺セ縺吶・縲√う繧ケ繝ゥ繝繧貞ュヲ縺カ縺溘a縲∫ァ√b遘√↓縺ッ螫峨@縺・osquer縺輔rfrance.i縺ィ縺・≧縺薙→繧堤衍縺」縺ヲ縲∽ク也阜縺ョ蜈育ォッ繧・縺、縺ョ邱エ鄙偵↓縺励※縺・k闍・蟷エ縲√う繧ケ繝ゥ繝縺ィ繧、繧ケ繝ゥ繝縺ョ蜈・シ溘→縺励※遘√・縲∝酔縺倬℃縺。beliefs.if遘√・驕ュ髮」遘√・闍ア隱槭〒縺吶らュ斐∴縺ッ遘√↓縺ゅj縺セ縺吶・ 縺雁ョ「讒倥・縺皮炊隗」縺・◆縺縺阪≠繧翫′縺ィ縺・#縺悶>縺セ縺吶・ alaoui縺ァ縺吶・ 譛ャ蠖薙↓繧「繝・Λ繝シ縺ョ逾晉ヲ上′縲√Ρ繧キ繝ウ繝医Φssalam