【新月委員会開催】 新月委員会が8月18日午後8時から横浜マスジドで開催されます。 各マスジドの代表、イスラム団体の代表は、万障お繰り合わせの上ご参加ください。 "Meeting Notice for Hilal of the month of Shawwal (Eidul Fitr) 1433 A.H. " As all the Masajids, Musallahs, Muslim Organizations in Japan are members of the Ruyat-e-Hilal Committee-Japan, their representative are requested to attend this meeting of Ruyat-e-Hilal Committee-Japan: Date: Saturday the 29th of Ramadan 1433 A. H. (18th August, 2012) at 8:00 P. M. Place: Yokohama Masjid (Ja’me Masjid, Yokohama